A Married Couple Sent $240 Invoice To No-Show Wedding Guest Who Had Already RSVP'd. Would You Do That? An invoice was posted on twitter that was allegedly sent to a "No Call, No Show" guest of a wedding. The wedding was located in Negril, Jamaica. A couple of guests had rvsp'd to the event. But then for some reason they didn't make it to the ceremonial occasion. Have you ever heard of something like this being done? And would this be something that you might consider doing to a guest if this was your wedding? Just click the link to tune in. And don't forget to also subscribe to Da Hood Table on YouTube, IG, Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat and Twitter. Thank you.
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#MarriedCouplesSendsNoCallNoShowInvoice #NoCallNoShowWeddingInvoice #WeddingGuestReceivesInvoiceForNoCallNoShow