LIVE REVIEW OF Ruthless Season 4 Episode 21 “Make or Break”. Just click the link below. And don't forget to also subscribe to Da Hood Table on YouTube, IG, Facebook, TikTok & Twitter.
So, at the beginning of the episode, we saw Malcolm was still stuck in that bear trap, with no means of escape. While also, lying to George, telling him that Ruth told him how to escape to get help from the Sheriff’s office. George knowing that was a lie, told Malcolm that he plans to verify this with Ruth. Who, for sure, didn’t tell him no such thing, since her Lewis and George were all planning a heist and an escape together.
Ruth then demanded that Lewis had better put his girl Bridgette in check. Before she ended up hanging from the ceiling of the punishment trailer again, getting whipped on by Ruth. Bridgette, still wanting to be with Lewis and being down for the cause, was willing to drop the subject of Lewis cheating on her. At least for the moment. So, Lewis then hands her a pistol to place inside of her boot. Being that they also really need her support. Since they don’t have enough men on their escape team.
Later, after apologizing to his girl Bridgette. And getting her to calm down, Lewis offers an apology to Dikahn, for allowing Peter and Malcolm to escape. While reassuring Dikahn, they all still have his back, Lewis places his hand on Dikahns shoulder. Dikahn was like uhhh uhhh don’t be putting your hands on people like that. Or even touching people unless you are serious. Because from the beliefs of the Raku, any time you touch someone, it is an intimate thing.
Now, y’all tell me if I’m wrong. But was Dikahn attempting to send Lewis a stronger message? Does Dikahn want a little piece of Lewis? LOL That can’t be the case. Considering that the Highest hasn’t scheduled another “enlightening” session in a minute. And we all know what that means. LOL
I wasn’t so sure of what Dikahn was meaning to relay to Lewis, when it came to that matter. Seeing that later, while waiting for the Highest to announce his prophecy, Dikahn seemed to have made a pass at George. I was like what the what. Don’t let me find out that Dikahn has a crush on George. LOL.
Dikahn told George, “I’ve been thinking about you.” He went on to add, “I want you to come to my trailer tonight. I want to show you how happy you’ve been making me.” “Gladly, I’m so excited, sir”, George responded.
Despite, acting like he was anxious to later meet Dikahn in his trailer, George relayed to Lewis, that the only thing Dikahn would get, is his brains blow out. LOL
I don’t know if Dikahn really made it clear to George what he’s expecting of him later on. Although, he did make it clear to Lewis that he needed to know who it was that took the sandwich to the men in the trailer. Which we all know was River, who was trying to poison his lover, Peter. That sandwich, of course, was actually eaten by Malcolm before his escape attempt from the compound.
During Dikahns investigation of the sandwich smuggler, he also questioned Elder Muva about it.
“Did you bring food to the prisoner, Dikahn asked Muva.” To which Muva replies, “I did not.” Responding Dikahn asks, “Then why was there a half-eaten sandwich in there?” Mother replied again, “I don’t know!”
Elder Muva goes on to suggest in so many words, that it is too bad that Ruth is pregnant. Hence, that will make her uncontrollable after having the only real child of the Highest. Unless we can make the pregnancy go away, painlessly in her food. Dikahn didn’t want to hear another word. Whether he believes Elder Muva is right about Ruth or not, he told her, “I don’t want to hear another word about this.” LOL And after that exchange, I’m sure if Malcolm gets ill from that sandwich, Dikahn will know for a fact that Muva had tried to end Ruth’s pregnancy.
Everyone, including the Highest is still under the belief that Ruth is carrying his child. As a matter of fact, while Ruth washed his feet, he told her that the male child she is carrying is making her female brain feel better. Chiiiile I know Ruth was like this crazy mofo, really thinks that he knows what he’s talking about. Ruth came back with, “I was wondering why things were so clear to her".
River finally doing something right, ran up to Ruth all happy about the fact that he was able to break the only computer on the compound. The computer that belongs to the Highest. River, also finally explained to Zane, why he never told her about their plans to escape. Evidently, he never intended to leave Zane behind. He did however, plan to leave Lacey behind, due to the fact that she can’t run because of her injuries. Lacey was like, get the hell outta here and leave us alone. Zane, who was trying not to appear frustrated with Lacey, told her that she would never leave her either. Somehow, though, I have the feeling that if she could, Zane would leave Lacey right there on that compound.
Joan and Ruth were summoned by the Highest to speak to him about why he spotted them having a heated discussion. Ruth, trying to think quick on her feet, puts the blame all on herself. Pretending to be jealous of Joan, who is able to travel back and forth with him to the banks, she apologizes to the Highest. For now, the Highest seems pleased by her response. Even after she explained, that if they were on the streets, she would tell him, “That she would kill a bitch for him.”
At first, he was taken aback, not feeling her unladylike tendencies. That feeling though, was quickly washed over by Ruth’s display of affection for him. After Joan was dismissed, the Highest turned to Ruth saying, “You would kill a bitch for me?” The Highest knows that he likes that shit. You know he’s from the streets and served time in the pen. So, as much as he tries to keep Ruth in line, deep down, I think he is attracted to a street chic. Or a street thug for the matter. Such as Dikahn.
Aaron, who was still down at the Sheriff’s office, is obviously extremely concerned about the safety of his wife Paula. Whereas the last person who he wants advice from, is the Sheriff’s. Sheriff Conley was attempting to warn him. That he will be killed when the Feds head back up to the compound to do a raid on the property. For some reason, though Aaron appeared pretty sure that the Feds have got this all under control. In spite of the Sheriff insisting that the Feds are going to eff everything up.
But will the Feds even have a chance to mess everything up. In that, as we saw, Ruth was able to steal some of the money from the Highest and store it in the trunk of the car. Subsequently, joining forces with Lewis, Bridgette, and George. Once Ruth joined them, Lewis warned the other soldiers, who are now the Opps, to put their guns down, or the Highest is going to catch a hot one. LOL
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