Here is my written review of Our Kind of People Season 1 Episode 4 "Crabs in a Gold-Plated Barrel", along with the link to my live video review from my YouTube channel. Please check it out and don't forget to also subscribe to us on YouTube, IG, Facebook, and Twitter. Thank you.
The show opened up with Angela still at Steel Bay State Prison visiting her daughter’s father. Nikki’s father was noticeably upset that Angela had waited so long to want him to be a part of their daughters’ life. Seventeen long years has passed with Nikki not even knowing if her father even existed.
Nevertheless, since Nikki has been going through a lot, including getting into trouble after her grandmother had died, Angela feels it is time. Yet, even in this episode, it’s still not clear why her father went to jail, nor why Angela, made the decision to keep him a secret from her daughter.
On top of trying to figure out the best way to merge Nikki’s father into her life, Angela, is trying not to get too distracted by the “black” social media. Which they most likely were referring to “black” Twitter. LOL Black Twitter can be extremely harsh at times. But distractions are not what she needs, while getting her grand opening together. However, once Angela was back home from the prison, her flamboyant gay brother, made a dramatic entrance. As well as, almost immediately, making sure that Angela knew that her name was all over black media. And I can already see that I am going to love me some Uncle Tizzie.
Tizzie, is not only there to support Angela, but also as the Mistress of Ceremony at her Grand Opening. Besides that, it is so much that needs to be done, that Angela is not trying to get distracted from black social media. In this case, though, thankfully Tizzie, is much more into social media than Angela. Because it took him showing her that viral video, that was making her look like a gold-digger.
Later Angela had another meeting at Franklin Holdings, where she was met with a little shade. Renada Pride, one of the other candidates, tried to imply that Angela was only there because of who her sister, and father was. Also, as you would expect, Leah, had something smart and underhanded to say as well. Leah couldn’t help but remind her sister, that nothing is going to come easy for her, or handed to her.
The incubator program at Franklin Holdings is very competitive, and not for amateurs. Therefore, Angela must really come with her A game. Her Grand Opening is this coming weekend. Even so, she needs to make her presentation for Leah just as important. In response to Leah, Angela, again, always sure of herself and her product, told Leah that she is determined to secure the bag. Had she known that Leah was recording her, she might have chosen her words differently. Despite that, thankfully the video didn’t do too much damage to her reputation. Still yet, she rushed over to Leah’s home, confronting her about trying to sabotage her career.
Angela told her, “You’re like a little crab in a gold-plated barrel”.
Upon hearing that, Leah responds to her, by saying that she’s really not mad at her. She does, however, blame Angela’s mother for playing a part in her own mother losing her already fragile mind. As far as her feelings for Angela are concerned, again she’s not mad at her. Instead, she’s actually ashamed of Angela and what their father did to the both of them.
In view of this, back to their father. Teddy, now being perceived as a dead-beat daddy, was worried about the bad PR he has been receiving. He still hasn’t quite secured the deal with the Boston Pride Stadium. So, he demanded that Leah finds a way to deal or should we say control her sister. Telling her, you can’t get a Roxbury girl under control.
Then at dinner with the team Execs. At least I believe that’s who they were. Teddy and Leah were encountered by some negative feedback from Bradley Clark. Bradley didn’t waste any time, letting them know that it might be an issue with the stadium. You see, Teddy wants to name the stadium after his brother, who evidently was not only a community activist. But also, a Black Panther.
Now, Bradley and the others, they were willing to overlook Teddy’s infidelity, which resulted in a child outside of his marriage. But foregoing millions of dollars in sponsorships, just to name the stadium after his brother. They weren’t having that. Even if his businesses are outperforming the other owners, the brands who endorse the team are concerned. Leading to Bradley and the others looking for other buyers.
As far as Leah, the sponsors might be the least of her worries. During this episode we saw her and Raymond at a counseling session. According to Raymond, his father-in-law is the root cause of most of their problems. Even during their session, Leah had to step out to take a call from her father. In fact, Raymond also mentioned that because of her father, their marriage is in jeopardy.
I don’t know what he expects from his wife. She already tried to force her father into retiring, by threatening to reveal his shady business dealings. Had Teddy not been using Raymond’s company, as a shell company, it might’ve worked. Afterall, Raymond believes that all of their problems started when her father took over Darmon. Or was it when Raymond’s partner starting make all those bad business deal. Now of course, that still doesn’t excuse Teddy for being an ass to his son in law. By not allowing Raymond a fair chance to regain his business back.
On the subject of Darmon, Raymond met up with Hank to secure some money to investment in Trix Burgers, a black owned business. His plan is to have his company, Darmon Foods to manufacture, a new line of branded meals, that Trix is debuting. But since Raymond, no longer has control of his company, he needs an influx of cash to buy his company back. That’s where Hank comes in.
It sounded so easy enough to provide Hank with a copy of the projected earnings report. Except that when Raymond made a call to get a copy, it couldn’t be done. Come to find out, he’s been locked out of the books at Darmon. And we all know who’s behind that.
So, it sounds like him and Leah are going to need a lot more counseling. Was his threatening his wife with a divorce. Telling her she needs to determine which partner she wants to be standing next to. I don’t know how long those two will be together, whether, as partners or as a couple.
On top of that, Raymond, still has no idea that Teddy has been using his company as a shell company. Which is the main reason, why he refuses to let go of it. Teddy is using it as leverage, or collateral. But once Leah realized what her father was doing with her husband’s company, should she have told Raymond. She did request her father to refrain from doing it. Right before he hit her with his diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease.
But what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, right? Leah has been keeping secrets from her husband, who is also keeping something from her. Raymond met up with his ex-wife, to have her find some dirt on Teddy. Because he just knows that his father-in-law is corrupt. So that’s why he was really short on the phone with Leah. He doesn’t want her knowing that he’s working with his ex.
But moving right along. At first Nikki, not wanting to not be bullied on social media, told her mother, she was not interested in being the face of her company. Thankfully though Uncle Tizzie was able to give her some supportive words of encouragement to make her rethink her decision. Following with her announcing herself as the face of Eve’s Crown at the Grand Opening.
Keeping her grandmother in mind, Nikki has chosen to step into her grandmother’s shoes to continue the Vaughn women legacy. Angela, of course, was excited to hear that, and to see everyone enjoying themselves. Even her sister and her niece, were dancing and partying it up.
But what did you think about the scene with Tyrique? Earlier in the show, when he was working on Angela’s house, she told him that she didn’t want him to get mixed up in her family issues. Already pretty sure that she’s a solid woman, he still had to ask her was there something that she wants from the Franklins. Since, that’s what everyone has been assuming. But he was going to honor her wishes by giving her all the space she needs.
After telling her that, he decided to show up at her party, to give her a gift. I took that as if, he wouldn’t have felt right not showing up to support her. He also wanted to let her know, that he is still very much interested in being with her. This episode, Tyrique, who had mentioned to her father, that he thinks Angela is truly a good person, even removed the security cameras that he had installed. He made the excuse that there was a recall on that particular brand.
From doing that though, I hope that he doesn’t suffer any consequences from Teddy or Leah. Because earlier in the show, while playing tennis with Leah, she implied that he doesn’t want to make their family question his loyalty. I don’t know what he might face from removing the cameras to spy on her. But for now, she feels the same as he does. Angela, who had before told him that she needed some space, suddenly has enough room for him.
And while they were sharing a kiss outside, her daughter Nikki and Taylor were sharing a kiss on the inside of the party. It seems as if Taylor just might be confused about who she wants to be with. Earlier, when she was at Nikki’s house, they almost shared a kiss, if it wasn’t for them being interrupted by Lauren interrupting them. Lauren saw it too. She saw enough, to know that there was some chemistry between Nikki and Taylor. Was that why she has changed her mind, now wanting to make their relationship public, and official.
Or is it too late. Because again, I think Taylor is confused. She did tell Lauren that if they were to be together, then she would have to be nicer like Nikki. That right there is not a good sign. Why? You already know. It’s never a good thing to expect your mate to be more like somebody else.
Copyright 2021 Da Hood Table. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
#OurKindofPeopleReviews #OurKindOfPeopleSeason1Episode4 #OurKindOfPeopleFox #OurKindofPeopleSeason1 #OurKindOfPeopleCrabsInAGoldPlatedBarrel